
The Printed World Conference is more than just an event; it's a community of innovators and pioneers eager to share their knowledge and experience with you. Don't miss out on this chance to be inspired by the best in the business.

Creators and professionals share their experience and knowledge to bring your designs, prototyping process, product development and business to the next level.

Find out more about the conference and speakers here.


What we planned so far:

  • May, 22.-23. 2025
  • 2-day Event
  • DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 600 Attendees per day
  • 25 speakers 
  • 20 booths for exhibitors to share their products
  • 6 Workshops in 3D design & 3D printing
  • Meet your favorite creator

Meet the creators. 

These awesome creators will join the conference. Meet them, learn from them and ask them whatever you want. Our core-team will make sure, that you will have the best time and get great value out of every minute.

Dive into the heart of innovation at the Printed Worldconference, an inspiring 2 day event in Amsterdam on 22nd and 23rd of May 2025. This event brings together leading creators and professionals


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